Kickboxing Testimonials

Thursday, February 17, 2005


"What do I love most about the Kickboxing Club? Definitely the people I've met - they are extremely different from the sorts of people I usually encounter in my course as well as at work. My circle of friends has been diversified beyond belief!

I enjoy the fact that at training everyone encourages each other, we have fun, I get fit and learn a fun martial sport :)

The benefits of training would definitely be improved coordination, balance, fitness, learning that girls can defend themselves and kick arse, and of course grading.

People should join the Kickboxing Club for the experience. Uni takes on a different perspective. You have the 'team' feeling when you're all in uniform, uni becomes a whole new place as you're no longer just a student, you're now part of a Monash club, with all the benefits of camaraderie, new friends, and new skills.

I originally did it for fitness, now I keep doing it because I want to improve, I want to be able to execute all those cool moves and holds. It would be great for first years as they get to meet people who have been doing their course already for a while, and can give them guidance and advice."

- Leanne