Kickboxing Testimonials

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Maestro Robert M. Halaijian's Self-Defense Seminar - Marianna Tassakos Says

"Robert Halaijian’s Seminar on street fighting was a good experience. The concepts and techniques taught were built on what had previously been taught in Kickboxing classes which led to an improvement in my skills, techniques and principles.

That which was taught was not all new, however having it being taught by someone different and explained in different contexts encouraged my thinking in terms of allowing me to apply what I already knew to a range of situations, in particular on the street where, as was told, rules do not exist.

The Seminar focused on the psychological aspects of fighting as well as the physiological aspects, which I found useful in terms of being able to prepare the mind for a fight and ultimately being able to deal with whatever may result.

I think the mind’s ability to deal with such situations would be more important than what skills a person may have, as unless that person can be prepared mentally, it may impact upon their ability to be so physically.

Robert’s seminar was a useful experience as he not only taught aspects of Kickboxing not dealt with in class, but taught them in a different context, that is, in street fighting situations, encouraging the application of the skills I have to a variety of situations, broadening my thinking.

In addressing the psychological side of street fighting, this is an area that has not been focused on in detail within Kickboxing, but is still very important. Having Robert deal with that allowed me to incorporate it into what I learn in the future."

- Marianna Tassakos