Kickboxing Testimonials

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Maestro Robert M. Halaijian's Self-Defense Seminar - Nadia Fung Says

"Even before attending the Seminar I learned a few things from Robert Halaijian. He came to a Thursday lesson as a Guest Instructor before the night of the seminar.

I learned from him what would make me fight, and my own limitations. I learned that even in practice, you must give 100%, because if you only give 50% most of the time, you would be used to giving 50%, in a fight, in studying, in life.

From the seminar, we learned different grappling techniques, which was my favorite part of the Seminar. I learned how to protect myself from would-be attackers whilst appearing to be non-confronting.

I believe this is important to be ready, yet nots how it, because you are never sure when you are in a fight or not. I learned it's not the always the best to get into fighting position, because you might be the trigger in a fight.

I learned psychological aspects of street fighting, such as what controls my fears, and how I may overcome then.

This seminar has opened my eyes to a different kind of fighting, one that isn't just about keeping fit and being the strongest, but keeping a cool head and using common sense."

- Nadia Fung