Kickboxing Testimonials

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Walt Missingham Jeet Kune Do Seminar - Albert Says

"The best part of the Seminar was the philosophy and the theory, because it’s stuff that not normally taught in class, it can be applied in many situations, not just self defence - and it’s a classic case of teaching a person to fish rather than to give them a fish.

I gained many insights into Bruce Lee, such as how he thinks, his analytic mind, the fact that he questions everything, and the different styles he has looked at. He's very objective and avoids bias.

I'll definitely incorporate Bruce Lee's way of thinking into my own training, and some of the techniques he used, as well as combat strategy.

This experience has certainly opened up a whole new way of thinking for me. The most basic movements have a lot more facets to it than I had initially envisaged. It's inspired me to really understand the martial arts that I'm doing now and incorporate what is good and not what is not effective.

Martial artists would benefit from attending a Seminar with Walt Missingham in the future, as it will teach them how to think analytically, have a different perspective on martial arts, gain a greater awareness of the different types of martial arts available, and learn about new training methods."

- Albert Teoh