Kickboxing Testimonials

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Walt Missingham Jeet Kune Do Seminar - Gleb Says

"Truly, I felt every moment of the Seminar was great. The presentation by Walt Missingham, in which he covered all the theory behind Jeet Kune Do, and Bruce Lee's progression through the development of JKD, in my mind was the highlight. In this, Walt highlighted the core of JKD, and what the Way of the Intercepting Fist is really about.

Walt did an impeccable job is outlining Bruce's mentality and motivation behind JKD. Essentially, the impression that I got was that JKD is the fusion of science and martial art.

I'd like to incorporate the mentality behind JKD into my own training:

  • Efficiency of motion
  • Bringing the fight to the attacker
  • Bruce Lee's mentality of committing to every move you make, and putting everything you've got into your attacks, and further committing to put in even more with every succeeding attack.

I found this experience very inspiring, especially the mentality aspect. Besides that, I went home and read "The Art of War" well as looking up Einstein on the net.

I think most of all, this has motivated me to rethink martial arts. To take what is useful, reject what is not, and adapt everything to myself.

It has driven me to search for what works for me, not everybody else. I came to realise that martial art is the channeling of energy through your body, and to do that, I have to know my body so as to get an optimum output.

Such a Seminar is unique in that Walt is an amazing individual with knowledge which cannot be acquired anywhere else. This Seminar is more than anything an inspiration to put you on the path of self discovery. It totally changed my mentality towards martial arts, and inspired me to further pursue it."

- Gleb Shinkarsky