Kickboxing Testimonials

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Walt Missingham Jeet Kune Do Seminar - Gleb Says

"Truly, I felt every moment of the Seminar was great. The presentation by Walt Missingham, in which he covered all the theory behind Jeet Kune Do, and Bruce Lee's progression through the development of JKD, in my mind was the highlight. In this, Walt highlighted the core of JKD, and what the Way of the Intercepting Fist is really about.

Walt did an impeccable job is outlining Bruce's mentality and motivation behind JKD. Essentially, the impression that I got was that JKD is the fusion of science and martial art.

I'd like to incorporate the mentality behind JKD into my own training:

  • Efficiency of motion
  • Bringing the fight to the attacker
  • Bruce Lee's mentality of committing to every move you make, and putting everything you've got into your attacks, and further committing to put in even more with every succeeding attack.

I found this experience very inspiring, especially the mentality aspect. Besides that, I went home and read "The Art of War" well as looking up Einstein on the net.

I think most of all, this has motivated me to rethink martial arts. To take what is useful, reject what is not, and adapt everything to myself.

It has driven me to search for what works for me, not everybody else. I came to realise that martial art is the channeling of energy through your body, and to do that, I have to know my body so as to get an optimum output.

Such a Seminar is unique in that Walt is an amazing individual with knowledge which cannot be acquired anywhere else. This Seminar is more than anything an inspiration to put you on the path of self discovery. It totally changed my mentality towards martial arts, and inspired me to further pursue it."

- Gleb Shinkarsky

Walt Missingham Jeet Kune Do Seminar - Albert Says

"The best part of the Seminar was the philosophy and the theory, because it’s stuff that not normally taught in class, it can be applied in many situations, not just self defence - and it’s a classic case of teaching a person to fish rather than to give them a fish.

I gained many insights into Bruce Lee, such as how he thinks, his analytic mind, the fact that he questions everything, and the different styles he has looked at. He's very objective and avoids bias.

I'll definitely incorporate Bruce Lee's way of thinking into my own training, and some of the techniques he used, as well as combat strategy.

This experience has certainly opened up a whole new way of thinking for me. The most basic movements have a lot more facets to it than I had initially envisaged. It's inspired me to really understand the martial arts that I'm doing now and incorporate what is good and not what is not effective.

Martial artists would benefit from attending a Seminar with Walt Missingham in the future, as it will teach them how to think analytically, have a different perspective on martial arts, gain a greater awareness of the different types of martial arts available, and learn about new training methods."

- Albert Teoh

Walt Missingham Jeet Kune Do Seminar - Nicole Says

"I have to say I enjoyed learning more about Bruce Lee's philosophy on fighting – e.g. how he disregarded tradition and definite processes in fighting and instead focussed on outcome, etc. I'll have to hire some of his movies soon!

This outcome-over-process philosophy was interesting to me because I have always thought that martial arts, in general, was based around technique as well as tradition - and now my mind is more open to the reality of fighting rather than seeing it as a process.

I really enjoyed all of the hands-on training we did in the seminar but would have liked to do more! I think others would benefit from any future seminars with Walt because he is one of the best sources of information regarding Bruce's philosophies on fighting and has also had many personal experiences with fighting and needing to apply such philosophies."

- Nicole Quittner

Friday, May 26, 2006

Walt Missingham Jeet Kune Do Seminar - Leon Says

"I think the best thing I took from the seminar was to realise that in real life the combat is outcome driven, and not a fair and orthodox bout. To keep this in mind while training on technique seems like the best way to see opportunities when you will be able to use the techniques, or quickly get into position to use them, when in an actual fight.

The material on physiology was very interesting and applicable, especially breaking someone's balance or a pivot point when they have you in a lock.

Developing maximum power to suit your own personal build was good, the idea of not having a 'standard' best way to do a certain move for everyone.

It was good to hear of how devoted Bruce was - to the development of JKD and also to maximising the body for optimal use in combat.

It is good to have a vision like that to train toward, knowing that you can always improve - to go stronger, quicker, longer.

It was inspiring to be in the presence of Walt, knowing where he has come from and accomplished demands respect of character for the person he is and his life experience, not just the rank he holds in a martial art.

In all it was well worth the money spent, I advise others to grab the opportunity and make the most of his wisdom - prepare and ask questions!"

- Leon Cooper

Walt Missingham Jeet Kune Do Seminar - Angelo Says

"I thought the seminar was awesome, and very intriguing. My favourite part of the night was the knife fighting because it was very involved and engaging.

I had thought before, Bruce Lee was a master of martial arts but I never knew he was such an influential pioneer in terms of paving way for the future by improving and building on a vast array of styles. Bruce Lee is a fascinating insight into the mind of a 'fighter,' where tradition and customs play second to effectiveness and outcome.

The most important message I received, was that undertaking martial arts is about self improvement and not just pointless drills and fancy movements.

The seminar was quite a source of inspiration as I felt I was learning from someone who truly understood the importance of the art he was teaching.

Martial art should be more of a dedication to the lifestyle instead of just mysterious "ooh" factors or ego boosting. The seminar was great value and I'm glad I didn't miss it."

- Angelo Perera

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Kru Mark "The Hammer" Castagnini Muay Thai Seminar - Sahan Subhawickrama Says

"Kru Mark Castagnini's seminar was the second seminar I attended. It was quite similar to Robert Halaijian's Seminar in some ways such as using palms and using a persons head to move their bodies but also different in that we used a lot more knees and elbows probably because of his Muay Thai background.

I also thought it was quite similar to our classes in terms of elbows and footwork, catching kicks, etc. we are trained to use. I definitely found the elbow and knee techniques he showed us to be effective.

The Seminar was aimed at conditoning knees and elbows as well as shins to deliver more powerful blows. The ways of being ready for a king hit and pretending to be friendly just to search a potential enemy for weapons would be handy in a late night confrontation.

He also made us aware of all the new weapons such as guns, knifes, poles that are being used in the nightclub scene and why fancy moves never work in a streetfight.

Mark Castagnini's Seminar also showed me the demands and conditioning that Muay Thai requires as well as the bad side of fighting late at night in clubs an so on. Both seminars were interesting, well organised as well as informative and well presented."

- Sahan Subhawickrama

Kru Mark "The Hammer" Castagnini Muay Thai Seminar - Ju-Lin Lee Says

"I highly recommend this seminar to all Kickboxers, from beginners to advanced, as it gave me a better understanding of Kickboxing by explaining Kickboxing and Muay Thai skills from a different perspective and implementing them in self defence situations.

Kru Mark Castagnini is a highly recognised member of the Kickboxing and Martial Arts world and just hearing his stories will inspire you."

- Ju-Lin Lee

Maestro Robert M. Halaijian's Self-Defense Seminar - Azzan Al-Balushi Says

"The Self-Defense Seminar conducted by Maestro Robert Halaijian was truly a one of a kind experience. It covered many aspects of Kickboxing and street fighting.

Not only did it prove to be beneficial to many beginners, but it was also valuable and constructive for more advanced Kickboxers alike.

It would be virtually impossible to sum up my favourite part of the seminar, as it is my first Martial Art seminar. I did nevertheless enjoy myself throughout the whole seminar.

I never thought that it would be taught in the form of a regular class, where we had the oppurtunity to try out all the new moves we've learnt. I don't think there's anything better than that first hand experience.

Since the Seminar incorprated so much of the street fighting aspects which are not ring-legal moves and/or combo's, I assume the only way for us to try them out was during the Seminar.

Maestro Robert also talked to us about the psychological approach to street fighting, which I think should always come first. Some of the crucial elements he mentioned in the seminar were, how to overcome fear, how to avoid confrontations and how to maintain a sound mentality.

I believe that the Seminar has improved my school of thought out on the streets, and enhanced my Kickboxing abilities. It was sure to make a better person out of anyone to attend it.

If I were to asked to give reasons for advising others to train with Maestro Robert in the future, I wouldn't know where to start. Everything from his remarkable journey through Kickboxing along the years, to his impressive way of teaching and implementation.

He is very capable of maintaining an ideal combination of seriousness and fun, along with a pinch of humor too. He strictly causes the Kickboxers to stop and think of what they are actually trying to achieve with every move, hit or combo. He makes it a more realistic experience."

- Azzan Al-Balushi

Maestro Robert M. Halaijian's Self-Defense Seminar - Nadia Fung Says

"Even before attending the Seminar I learned a few things from Robert Halaijian. He came to a Thursday lesson as a Guest Instructor before the night of the seminar.

I learned from him what would make me fight, and my own limitations. I learned that even in practice, you must give 100%, because if you only give 50% most of the time, you would be used to giving 50%, in a fight, in studying, in life.

From the seminar, we learned different grappling techniques, which was my favorite part of the Seminar. I learned how to protect myself from would-be attackers whilst appearing to be non-confronting.

I believe this is important to be ready, yet nots how it, because you are never sure when you are in a fight or not. I learned it's not the always the best to get into fighting position, because you might be the trigger in a fight.

I learned psychological aspects of street fighting, such as what controls my fears, and how I may overcome then.

This seminar has opened my eyes to a different kind of fighting, one that isn't just about keeping fit and being the strongest, but keeping a cool head and using common sense."

- Nadia Fung

Maestro Robert M. Halaijian's Self-Defense Seminar - Sahan Subhawickrama Says

"Maestro Robert M. Halaijian's Seminar was the first Martial Arts Seminar I have participated in. I found it interesting as it dealt with streetfights and not just routine, in the ring, martial arts.

I found the technique in which you get into stance and open your hands instead of clutching your fists when confronted to be very interesting. Using palms instead of fists is also a good idea since many people break or damage their fists by not connecting a punch properly in fights.

The mentality of a streetfight and the logic in trying your best to avoid getting into one and the reasons behind them was very important since most people just fight due to their reputations and dont think about the consequences that might follow.

As Mr Halaijian said it is impossible to teach a group of people in 3 hours how to come out on top in a streetfight because streetfights aren't all the same, but I think he did a very good job in educating us on why to avoid a fight and equipping us with some knowlage and tactics to use if a fight is inevitable."

- Sahan Subhawickrama

Maestro Robert M. Halaijian's Self-Defense Seminar - Ju-Lin Lee Says

"The street fighting Seminar was lots of fun and a great way to learn valuable skills, physical and psychological, to do with street fighting and self defence.

I particularly liked the part where we did ground work which is something different tothe skills we do in class and we could integrate these skills to make us further accomplish the benefits of becoming rounded Kickboxers, in the Kickboxing setting as well as in self defence."

- Ju-Lin Lee

Maestro Robert M. Halaijian's Self-Defense Seminar - Marianna Tassakos Says

"Robert Halaijian’s Seminar on street fighting was a good experience. The concepts and techniques taught were built on what had previously been taught in Kickboxing classes which led to an improvement in my skills, techniques and principles.

That which was taught was not all new, however having it being taught by someone different and explained in different contexts encouraged my thinking in terms of allowing me to apply what I already knew to a range of situations, in particular on the street where, as was told, rules do not exist.

The Seminar focused on the psychological aspects of fighting as well as the physiological aspects, which I found useful in terms of being able to prepare the mind for a fight and ultimately being able to deal with whatever may result.

I think the mind’s ability to deal with such situations would be more important than what skills a person may have, as unless that person can be prepared mentally, it may impact upon their ability to be so physically.

Robert’s seminar was a useful experience as he not only taught aspects of Kickboxing not dealt with in class, but taught them in a different context, that is, in street fighting situations, encouraging the application of the skills I have to a variety of situations, broadening my thinking.

In addressing the psychological side of street fighting, this is an area that has not been focused on in detail within Kickboxing, but is still very important. Having Robert deal with that allowed me to incorporate it into what I learn in the future."

- Marianna Tassakos

Maestro Robert M. Halaijian's Self-Defense Seminar - Matthew Gillet Says

"Maestro Robert Halaijian’s street fighting seminar taught practical self-defence techniques that can be used by both men and women even if they have had no prior martial arts experience.

My favourite part of the seminar was learning simple combinations that were devastatingly effective and could be modified to suit an individual fighter’s style.

The seminar also showed how kickboxing techniques can be easily applied in a street confrontation.

All people interested in self-defence or even martial arts in general should jump at the opportunity to train with Maestro Halaijian in the future if it arises because of the unique breadth of knowledge and experience that he brings to any class he teaches."

- Matthew Gillet

Maestro Robert M. Halaijian's Self-Defense Seminar - Michael Siber Says

Just few words regarding Master Robert's Seminar:

  • The techniques he demonstrated are very easy to learn
  • Very practical to use for self defense on the street
  • You could see that he has a master degree (all the techniques were executed with a high level of competency)
  • Some of the verbal tips he gave us are very good
  • He is also a good motivator

- Michael Siber

Maestro Robert M. Halaijian's Self-Defense Seminar - Rob Woodworth Says

"My favourite part of the Seminar was the takedown that we learned. The most profound lessons I learnt from Robert were to realize how much of an impact you could have on people's lives if you hurt them, to figure out situations when you should "turn on", and how to turn fears into challenges.

The Seminar has motivated me as it showed me that there are other martial arts that seem very interesting, like ones involving weapons, takedowns, and moves that you're not allowed to do in sparring which I find interesting.

Kickboxing Club students should train with Robert in future classes and Seminars to learn some of the mental aspects of fighting."

- Rob Woodworth

Friday, March 04, 2005

Ajarn Chai's Muay Thai Seminar - Matt Says

"My favourite part of the Seminar for me was the section that focussed on grappling. This side of Muay Thai is overlooked by potential students when considering Muay Thai as they seem to focus on the hand and leg techniques that are involved. Learning some basic grappling principles proved very interesting as well as enjoyable. In the future, I will be able to incorporate these principles into my training to make me a more rounded Martial Artist.

An important concept that was taught in the Seminar was that of the psychology of teaching. For anyone that has considered teaching any disciple, this section was especially useful as it highlighted the different methods that knowledge can be transferred to students and the situations that each one is applicable in.

The Seminar made me much more interested in Muay Thai because Ajarn Chai focused on the technical aspects involved in the execution of each technique.

Ajarn Chai’s Seminar is a unique opportunity that Monash University Kickboxing Club students have to train with Master who is internationally recognised and who possesses a wealth of knowledge that has been accumulated through a life long involvement with Muay Thai."

- Matt

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Ajarn Chai's Muay Thai Seminar - Sam Says

"I enjoyed learning new combinations that go beyond what is taught in classes. I feel I will become a better fighter with more combinations that can be integrated into my usual training routine.

The most important concept I learnt was in some cases, speed is more beneficial to the Muay Thai fighter than brute strength. All of the combinations and techniques require mastering to be used effectively - "Technical Perfection".

I also learnt that it is important to keep an open mind, and it is beneficial to study as many different Martial Arts as you can because all styles have their own benefits.

The Seminar has rekindled my interest in Martial Arts and motivated me to train harder after seeing so many people interested in the in Muay Thai. Everyone trained really hard and I realised how many good fighters are really out there!

Kickboxing Club students should train with Ajarn Chai if they get a chance, as he is a world renowned professional fighter and teacher with a large knowledge base and years of experience. He has 20,000 students in 14 different countries and knows how to make you understand the technique so that you can reach your true potential.

You will learn many effective combinations that you can integrate into your Kickboxing routine and they will make you a much more effective fighter.

You will realise just how many other people out there are interested in the Kickboxing and you will be motivated to bring the combinations home with you and train harder."

- Sam

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Ajarn Chai's Muay Thai Seminar - Koushik Says

"The Seminar with Ajarn Chai was really a good experience. Ajarn Chai taught some of the intricacies of the Muay Thai Art, like the Plam. I also liked the various combinations taught, especially the ones involving knees and elbows. I would definitely do another Seminar with Ajarn Chai if I got a chance. And for other members of the Monash Uni Kickboxing Club, it is a rare and beautiful oppurtunity to train with a Master such as Ajarn Chai."

- Koushik

Ajarn Chai's Muay Thai Seminar - Peter Says

"The best part of the Seminar was the sharing, and the most important thing I learnt were central Muay Thai concepts.

The Seminar gives you a flexible framework that you can carry with you, and allows you to expand and build on the central concepts taught in the seminar.

If other Kickboxing Club students have they opportunity to train with Ajarn Chai next year then I would advise them to take that opportunity."

- Peter

Monday, February 28, 2005

Ajarn Chai's Muay Thai Seminar - Anne Says

"The most enjoyable part of the Seminar for me was just being part of a large group and the fact that some of our team members were present to participate with me. It felt like we were all part of one team, even though there were many other clubs represented there.

Some of the combinations looked very difficult to do for beginners, but after a while the moves became easy, and made sense. Ajarn Chai also ensured we understood the technique, and we had time to practice them.

The Seminar motivated me to keep going and to never give up. Ajarn Chai made the point on several occasions during the seminar - that everyone can achieve - that nothing is un-achievable for anyone.

Kickboxing Club Students should train with Ajarn Chai because you never know what new skills you can learn. It is not intimidating, anyone can learn new things, and it is an easy, relaxed atmosphere."

- Anne